Jodi Eddy, SVP and CIO at Boston Scientific, talks about digital medical devices and the impact technological transformation is having on healthcare

October 4, 2022

Mizuho Americas’ Digital Horizons Leadership podcast series explores digital transformation across sectors. This episode dives into the medical device sector. Michal Katz, Head of Investment and Corporate Banking interviews Jodi Eddy, Senior Vice President and Chief Information and Digital Officer at Boston Scientific, about the proliferation and democratization of digital medical devices and the impact this is having on the way healthcare is delivered. 

In recent years, digital medical devices, in particular wearables, have revolutionized the way individuals monitor and manage their personal health. The pandemic has also carved out a space for medical technology like never before - with digital medical devices becoming essential for physicians to care for and engage with patients remotely. As these medical devices advance, they gather increasingly significant sets of data. While these advancements create patient privacy and data protection challenges, they also have the power to greatly improve health outcomes and provide insights into disease conditions and comorbidities. 

The AI Opportunity

Eddy finds the most interesting medical device startups to invest in are those focused on advancing AI algorithms and experimenting with diagnostics and platforms that support hospitals to consolidate, manage and simplify huge amounts of data. Critical to the success of startups in this field is the ability to integrate into hospital workflows, as well as rapidly gather clinical evidence and real world data. According to Eddy, any startups that can do this are the ones to watch. 

Hear more from Jodi Eddy about the technological advancements and investments in medical devices by listening to her interview with Michal here.

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