Taking the time
Our ongoing volunteer programs respond to local needs in the Americas and help employees make a difference through skills-based and hands-on activities like reading with schoolchildren, mentoring high school students, providing college and career readiness workshops, and addressing basic needs like hunger relief through meal service and packing projects.
volunteers worldwide in 2,258
Mizuho Volunteer Day projects since 2006
Take a look at some highlights from the past year
Community Service
Employees across six Mizuho offices participated in a meal-packing initiative for the firm’s global day of service, Mizuho Volunteer Day 2024. Hundreds of employee volunteers packaged 112,500 meals to be distributed by local food banks.
Work Readiness
Mizuho volunteers support nonprofit workforce development partners by conducting mock interviews, reviewing resumes, and providing career readiness advice.
Community Events
Mizuho sponsors local initiatives in support of community organizations throughout the year, including the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge, Japan Day, and more.
Hunger Relief
Employees volunteer to serve meals year-round at local community centers and supportive housing facilities.
Earth Month
In recognition of Earth Month, Mizuho employees volunteer for environmental projects in our communities including park improvement and urban farming.
Financial Education
As part of Mizuho’s global commitment to financial education, Mizuho volunteers lead financial literacy workshops to help youth strengthen their personal finance skills.
Donation Drives
Mizuho staff support local children and families by partnering with community organizations to donate and distribute school supplies and year-end holiday gifts.