Category: perspectives Perspectives
Mizuho Americas Tech, Media, and Telecom: First Quarter 2020 in Review
Q1 2020 was a quarter of records, but they weren’t the type of records anyone hopes for. Andy Laszlo, Head of TMT Equity Capital Markets, looked at the quarter’s results for TMT and convertibles, as well as what we expect for Q2.
Category: perspectives Perspectives
Whiplash: Historic Volatility Causing Waves in the Investment Grade Market
We’ve seen remarkable volatility in the investment grade market over the past month. Can the current pace of new issues continue or did Friday’s results hint at a reversal?
Category: perspectives Perspectives
What Women's History Month Means to the Women of Mizuho Americas
Michal Katz, Head of Banking, celebrates Women's History Month and the women leaders at Mizuho, who each offer their thoughts on what the month means to them.
Category: perspectives Perspectives
History as Guide: Lessons from the 2002-2003 SARS Outbreak
Josh Weismer, Head of Equity Capital Markets, describes how today's COVID-19 crisis may play out for equity capital markets.
Category: perspectives Perspectives
A 2019 Healthcare Market Recap and 2020 Forecast by Mizuho Americas
Mizuho Equity Capital Markets' Mariano Gault gives us a rundown of the healthcare sector in 2019, and why he expects its positive momentum to continue.
Category: perspectives Perspectives
A Renaissance and other Trends in Energy: A Few Minutes with Oil and Gas Equity Analyst Paul Sankey
In September 2019, the US exported more oil and petroleum products than it imported. With a lot going on in the sector, we sat with Mizuho Americas Oil and Gas Equity Analyst Paul Sankey to get his take on the trends he is seeing.
Category: perspectives Perspectives
Coffee With Julie Sweet, CEO of Accenture
Cheryl Gilberg, CMO of Mizuho Americas, interviews Julie Sweet, CEO of Accenture. Just a couple of months into her role as CEO, Julie talks about the importance of setting quarterly learning agendas, best practices for accelerating inclusion and diversity, and her favorite piece of career advice about leading with “yes.”
Category: perspectives Perspectives
Coffee With Cassie Lee, Senior Vice President & CFO, AT&T Technology and Operations
Jim Gorman, Director of Internal Communications & Media Relations, sits down with Cassie Lee, Senior Vice President & CFO, AT&T Technology and Operations to talk about her career and how she stays on top of technology trends.
Category: perspectives Perspectives
USMCA: The Future of North American Trade
With NAFTA poised to be replaced by USMCA, the disruptions created when a continental trade agreement is renegotiated present challenges and opportunities for supply chain management, working capital, and capital expenditures.