Announcement Regarding Issuance of Panda Bonds

January 12, 2018

Mizuho Bank, Ltd. (President & CEO: Koji Fujiwara, hereinafter "MHBK") will issue on–shore renminbi–denominated bonds (hereinafter "Panda bonds"), for which it obtained the approval of the People's Bank of China on December 22, 2017. They will be the first Panda bonds to be issued by a Japanese bank.

Issuer Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
Amount issue 500 million RMB (approx. 8.6 billion JPY)
Issue date January 16, 2018 (Fixing date: January 12, 2018)
Maturity 3 years
Coupon rate 5.30%
Mandated lead arranger Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited

The deal will be participated mainly by Chinese investors who are growing in number. Using the knowhow gained from the issuance of Panda bonds, MHBK will work with Mizuho Bank (China), Ltd. to provide enhanced support, including advisory service, to Japanese and multinational companies interested in issuing Panda bonds and medium– and long–term financing in the local currency.

This press release is intended to announce the issuance of renminbi–denominated bonds and does not constitute an offer for sale or solicitation for investment or other similar activity in or outside of Japan.


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