Honoring Black History Month and the MADE Network

February 3, 2020


Adrian Banks

So Black history for me started at a very early age, and I became aware of the contributions that we've made. My mother took me to Operation Breadbasket every Saturday morning. I raised money for them, I picketed, I marched. We were right in the midst of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Angela Davis, all of the people that, kind of marked our history.


Wayne Wright

I think MADE has created a networking environment. We've introduced people from all over the institution that we didn't even know even existed. People feel as if they're not alone in whatever challenges they're having. We also encourage them to be a bigger part of the community.


John Buchanan

What's been important is that it's come from within the organization. So, we didn't mandate it from the top, we had two strong leaders within the organization that came and said "We want to do this." And hopefully that will help us recruit, promote, and inspire all kinds of growth as we go forward.


Natalee Graham

It really is important to have that collaboration and support in terms of bringing the Mizuho community together to reiterate that it is for everyone.


Adrian Banks

I think that makes such a big difference when you see people that look like you in high positions, it makes you feel more comfortable, it gives you more confidence, and it says that I can achieve.

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