Celebrating Administrative Professionals' Day

April 21, 2021


This Administrative Professionals’ Day, we celebrate the wide-ranging responsibilities of our administrative staff and the critical roles they play throughout every organization in our economy. Meet some members of our all-star team, and learn more about what they do at Mizuho.




Angie Ventura:

Being an administrative professional, to me, means that I get to learn something new every day. I truly enjoy doing work that pushes me to grow. I love working with my team.


Ernesto Franco:

You have to kind of be a jack of all trades these days. Gone are the days of an admin who just makes copies and takes messages. Nowadays, you can assist with anything from hiring, procurement for the department with equipment, team leads in some cases where you're actually taking an active managerial role.


Shirley Finnelli:

We're often called gate keepers. We liaise with all levels of staff internally and externally. I think every single one of us wants to feel appreciated for the jobs that we do. Recognizing this via Administrative Professionals’ Day kind of shines a spotlight on a role that is sometimes overlooked.


Angie Ventura:

I think it's important to recognize it because it builds up team morale. I truly believe that having great administrative professionals, it's the backbone to any firm. I also think that we work hard and it feels great to be recognized.

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