Mizuho Technology Conference Keynote Speaker: Arvind Krishna, IBM Chairman and CEO

July 15, 2024

Mizuho Americas Head of Investment & Corporate Banking Michal Katz and Chair of Technology Banking Richard Gallivan, sat down for a fireside chat with Arvind Krishna, Chairman and CEO of IBM, to discuss the state of technology, regulation and the future of quantum computing and AI during the Mizuho Technology Conference.

IBM Chairman and CEO on AI Transition

AI is no longer a “maybe” – it will be an all-of-the-above scenario that will encompass an across-the-board change in processes to drive ROI in customer service, internal processes, digital labor and more, Arvind Krishna, Chairman and CEO of IBM, told Mizuho Americas’ Head of Investment & Corporate Banking Michal Katz and Chair of Technology Banking Richard Gallivan at the 2024 Mizuho Technology Conference lunch panel discussion. Whereas Cloud is in the fifth or sixth inning of the game, AI is still in its first inning, he said, advising corporations to give attention to no more than five projects at a time, then scale them before adding more. 


IBM Chairman and CEO on Quantum Computing

The world of quantum computing is nearing, evolving from the current method of breaking down and transmitting information in bits (1’s or 0’s) to “algorithms” with phenomenally hastened speed. Just as GPUs opened a kind of computing that was more efficient than that of CPUs, Quantum will facilitate computing speeds not yet seen within the sphere of human interface, Arvind Krishna, Chairman and CEO of IBM, told Mizuho Americas’ Head of Investment & Corporate Banking Michal Katz and Chair of Technology Banking Richard Gallivan at the 2024 Mizuho Technology Conference lunch panel discussion. This opens up a whole new paradigm to create solutions not currently in reach.


IBM Chairman and CEO on the Regulatory Effect on Innovation 

The U.S. regulatory landscape is ripe for tightening or loosening, depending on the political sway of upcoming elections. Either way, new economic business models tend to flourish in a hands-off regulatory scheme, Arvind Krishna, Chairman and CEO of IBM told Mizuho Americas’ Head of Investment & Corporate Banking Michal Katz and Chair of Technology Banking Richard Gallivan at the 2024 Mizuho Technology Conference lunch panel discussion. U.S. GDP gained from a lightly regulated environment in the 1990s while overregulation, as evidenced in Europe, has dampened innovation and M&A. 

Full Panel Discussion with IBM Chairman and CEO, Arvind Krishna

Watch here to view the entire discussion:

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