Mizuho Bank Europe N.V. Assigned 'A1/P-1' Ratings

December 5, 2024

EMEA, 5 December 2024: Moody's Ratings has assigned its 'A1' long-term (LT) and 'P-1' short-term (ST) domestic and foreign currency issuer ratings to Mizuho Bank Europe N.V. (MBE). Concurrently, Moody's Ratings has assigned to MBE A1 LT and P-1 ST domestic and foreign currency Counterparty Risk (CR) Ratings, A1(cr) LT and P-1(cr) ST CR Assessments, a baseline credit assessment (BCA) of baa1 and an Adjusted
BCA of baa1.

The outlook on the LT issuer ratings of MBE is stable.

Read Moody's Ratings' full press release:

Mizuho Bank Europe N.V. Assigned 'A1/P-1' Ratings; Outlook stable

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