Regulatory, legal and compliance information and policies applicable to Mizuho Bank, Ltd. products and services.
Warning about phishing scams
We have been made aware of an ongoing social engineering scam where an individual or individuals have been purporting to be representatives of Mizuho Bank, Ltd or Mizuho International plc, in order to conduct external scams. Please be aware that we do not provide consumer services in the EMEA region; therefore, please be cautious if you receive a phone call or electronic communication related to the offering of any type of consumer based service.
If you wish to clarify details, or report any suspicious communication, please email us at: Mizuho enquiries.
Reporting scams and fraud: For further information, and to better protect yourself from acts of scam or fraud, please visit the FCA’s Scam Smart website.
Disclaimer for Insights & Opinion Articles
Read our Disclaimer for Insights
Sharing Client Information
This notice is in respect of our obligations as a Japanese incorporated company under Japanese Banking Law requirements.
Complaints Management: (PDF/107KB)
Data Protection Information: German & English (PDF/758KB)
Data Protection Information for Candidates: German (PDF/166KB)
Data Protection Information for Candidates: English (PDF/182KB)
Depositor Information Sheet: (PDF/163KB)
Disclosure Report FY2022: German (PDF/873KB)
Disclosure Report FY2021: German (PDF/871KB)
Disclosure Report FY2020: German (PDF/812KB)
Disclosure Report FY2019: German (PDF/817KB)
Disclosure Report FY2018: German (PDF/499KB)
General Business Conditions: German (PDF/1MB)
General Business Conditions: English (PDF/1MB)
Information on the joint controllership between Mizuho Bank, Ltd and Mizuho Securities Europe GmbH (PDF/439KB)
List of Prices and Services as of 1 April 2023: German (PDF/201KB)
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
Your eligible deposits with Mizuho Bank Ltd., London Branch are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the UK's deposit protection scheme. This limit is applied to the total of any eligible deposit accounts you have with Mizuho Bank Ltd. Any total deposits you hold above the £85,000 limit are not covered.
For further information about your rights under the FSCS click here.
Report Disclaimer
This document provides Mizuho Bank's (London branch) general disclaimer regarding its reports uploaded to the Mizuho EMEA website.
Tax Strategy
This policy document sets out the UK tax strategy for the London branch of Mizuho Bank, Ltd, alongside other Mizuho Group entities in London.
UK Money Markets Code
UK Money Markets Code - Statement of Commitment
Policy for the Management of Conflicts of Interest
This describes how Mizuho Bank Group will manage any conflicts of interest that may arise out of or in relation to transactions to be concluded by and between customers and Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. or any of the consolidated subsidiaries and equity method affiliates of the Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. that are shown in the financial statements. This is done for the purpose of eliminating and preventing the opportunity for the interests of the customers of the MHBK Group to be unfairly impaired as a result of those transactions.
Read our Conflicts of Interest Policy
Bloomberg disclaimer
Our approach to Personal Data
As well as the personal information we hold on our own employees, we collect and use certain data about individuals employed by/working for our corporate clients. This information is covered by the European data protection law. We set out in detail our approach to handling personal data in our Privacy Notice which explains individuals' rights in relation to their personal data. In addition to the more detailed reasons we set out in our Privacy Notice, in summary we collect and use information about individuals employed by/working for our clients for three main purposes:
- to satisfy our regulatory obligations with respect to anti-money laundering legislation, 'know your client' obligations and various other regulatory or legal requirements;
- to enable us to provide services and products to our clients (for example, by collecting contact details for trade confirmations, reconciliations, and the details of individuals should we provide certain payments services on behalf of our clients); and
- for marketing purposes so that we can discuss our product offering with our clients and send them information about Mizuho Financial Group services and products.
If individuals employed by/working for our clients no longer want to receive any such communications from us, they are free to opt out at any time by informing their relationship manager, or replying to the relevant email and asking to unsubscribe.
Our Privacy Notice also forms part of our MiFID II Terms and Conditions
Mizuho Bank, Ltd London Branch - Privacy Notice
Mizuho Bank, Ltd London Branch - Recruitment Privacy Policy
Mizuho Bank, Ltd. - Filiale di Milano – Largo Augusto, 7 – 20132 - Codice ABI 3346.4 - Iscrizione all’Albo delle Banche presso la Banca d’Italia al n. 5657 - Iscrizione nel Registro delle Imprese di Milano al numero 1679620 - Tel: 39.02.7780001 - Fax: 39.02.77800060 – - E-mail: [email protected] - Aderente al Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi - Dati della Mizuho Bank, Ltd. – Tokyo – Giappone facente parte del Mizuho Financial Group, Inc : Capitale Sociale : JPY 1,404.0 B Autorità di vigilanza estera competente: Japanese Financial Services Agency Sito internet di Casa di Madre:
Mizuho Bank, Ltd - Milan Branch- Largo Augusto, 7 - 20132 - Code ABI 3346.4 – Registered in the banks register held by Banca d 'Italia with number 5657 - Registration in the Milan Business Register with 1679620 - Tel: 39.02.7780001 - Fax: 39.02.77800060 - - E-mail: [email protected] - Member of the Interbank Deposit Protection Fund - Data of Mizuho Bank, Ltd. Toyo Japan forming part of the Mizuho Financial Group, Capital JPY 1,404.0 billion – Foreign supervisory authority: Japanese Financial Services Agency
Data Protection Notice in English (PDF/66KB)
Informativa Privacy in Italian (PDF/64KB)
Disclosure & Complaints | Trasparenza Bancaria e Reclami
Mizuho Bank, Ltd. Milan Branch`s products are offered to corporate clients only.
In compliance with Bank of Italy`s provisions in the field of transparency and correctness of relationship between intermediaries and customers, the informative sheets in this section provide for general contractual clauses as well as economic terms and conditions applied to products offered. They also contain references for client complaints.
Below are Bank of Italy`s guidelines, and others, which are made available for our clients' reference.
All documents in this section can be downloaded or printed. Free copies are also available upon request to the Bank's Milan Branch.
Your Rights When Making Payments in EU (PDF/334KB)
Informative Sheet - Foglio Informativo Mizuho Global eBanking (PDF/250KB)
Guida Pratica all ABF (PDF/1.6MB)
Guida Centrale Rischi (PDF/709KB)
Tassi di Interesse Effettivi Globali Medi (TEGM) - 1 Gennaio - 31 Marzo 2025 (PDF/115KB)
Rendiconto sull'attivita' 2024 (PDF/97KB)