Mizuho’s initiatives to prevent bribery and corruption

Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.

With the enactment of relate laws and regulations and the heightened public concern for bribery and corruption in Japan and other countries, Mizuho Financial Group Inc. implements appropriate measures to prevent bribery and corruption.

The Mizuho Financial Group acknowledges the social significance of preventing bribery*1 and corruption*2. By prohibiting executives and employees from involving in bribery and corruption and promoting fair and honest conduct, it aims to maintain and develop sound corporate activities.
The Mizuho Financial Group prevents bribery and corruption conducted through the following activities:

  • Exchange of entertainment and gifts (Note 1)
  • Donation
  • Recruitment, etc.
  • Facility payment*3
  • Conclusion of contracts for outsourcing operations and engaging third parties
  • Corporate acquisitions
  • Other acts related to duties

To implement the above initiative, our company has formulated manuals and operating procedures, etc. that stipulate the specific procedures, and implements training to executives and employees to ensure compliance with the procedures.

Moreover, we conduct risk assessment on bribery and corruption on an annual basis, and manages the risks according to the assessment results. Further, our company will monitor the implementation status of the above, to enhance the framework for complying with the Anti-Bribery Acts, etc. in a continued manner.

In addition, our company seeks understanding from related contractors using the document "Request for Your Understanding and Cooperation on Mizuho’s Stance and Initiatives on Bribery, etc. (PDF/121KB)

(Note 1) Regarding entertainment and gifts, we ensure that they are conducted legally and within the scope of socially accepted norms in terms of frequency, purpose, and amount. We have established a framework to conduct checks in order to prevent compliance-related problems such as misconduct and collusion, including exchange of entertainment and gifts with public officials that are prohibited in principle.

*1 "Bribery" refers to “the act of providing and receiving bribes”.

  • "Act of providing bribes" refers to the act of offering, proposing, or promising a bribe, directly or indirectly, to public officials, foreign public officials, or third parties, regardless of the purpose (not limited to obtaining benefit for oneself or a third party)."
  • "Act of receiving bribes" refers to the act of receiving, demanding, or promising a bribe in connection with one's duties, regardless of the purpose (not limited to obtaining benefit for oneself or a third party)." 

*2 “Corruption" refers to the act where public officials or foreign public officials abuse their public office or authority, causing violations of applicable laws and regulations of Japan and other countries related to bribery (collectively referred to as 'Anti-Bribery Laws')." 
*3 “Facilitation payment” refers to payments made to facilitate administrative services for the purpose of obtaining undue benefit in corporate activities and business promotion.

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