Financial Education

In striving to enhance financial literacy widely among people of all ages, we conduct and provide support for investment classes and lectures in finance, economics, and investment tailored to the needs of participants.

Mizuho Securities' Educational Support

  1. Catering to people of all ages—from elementary school students to adults
    We offer a wide variety of programs tailored to the diverse needs of different age groups.
  2. Providing financial education throughout Japan
    We are committed to enhancing financial literacy throughout regions across Japan. 
  3. Leveraging our long-standing relationships with educational experts
    Our collaboration with Waseda University’s Graduate School of Education is an important part of our efforts to support finance/economics education in schools by researching teaching materials and by training educators.

Guest Lectures and Seminars

Guest lectures and seminars

As part of our mission to enhance knowledge of and interest in finance and economics, we conduct lectures which we tweak to meet the needs of a variety of participants ranging from elementary school students to adults.

Teacher Support and Training

We provide training for educators to familiarize them with finance and economics. In addition, we further their understanding regarding the importance of educating students about these subjects as well as classroom methodologies for accomplishing such educational goals.

Furthermore, since April 2015, we’ve commissioned Waseda University’s Graduate School of Education to conduct research and related initiatives aimed at training educators to proficiently conduct such finance and economics education in schools.

Endowed Undergraduate and Graduate Courses on Corporate Finance

Endowed Undergraduate and Graduate Courses on Corporate Finance

In fiscal 2004, Mizuho Securities began to endow undergraduate and graduate courses on corporate finance and related subjects at universities, and have continued this endeavor up to the present. Most lecturers are Mizuho Securities employees who bring years of practical on-the-job experience directly into the classroom. The objective of this educational endowment program is to contribute to the larger society by serving as "a bridge between theory and practice."


Lectures and Courses Sponsored in Fiscal 2024

Educational Institution Course, Main Theme
Faculty of Economics, Keio University Corporate Finance a
Corporate Finance b
Theory and Practice of Token Economies a
Faculty of Economics, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University Frontier of Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance and Business Strategy
Business Ethics
Financial Literacy
Corporate Finance and Capital Markets
Faculty of Commerce and Management, Graduate School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University Corporate Finance - Theory and Practice
Mergers and Acquisitions - Theory and Practice
Startup and IPO - Theory and Practice
Portfolio Management - Theory and Practice
Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo Case Study (Capital Markets and Public Policy)

Joint Research and Publication

Mizuho Securities endows university education and research on corporate finance in seeking to enhance practical skills and understanding surrounding this subject. For example, we support university researchers in their efforts to delve deeper into subjects adopted by the endowed courses, and in certain cases conduct joint research with them. We also support publishing activities to ensure results and findings from this research reach a much wider general audience.

-- Publications to Date --

  • Sustainability and Corporate Finance (Authored by Isagawa  and Yamaguchi; published by Nihon Keizai Publishing Company)

Sustainability and Corporate Finance (Authored by Isagawa  and Yamaguchi; published by Nihon Keizai Publishing Company)

This publication provides an overview of results from our joint research with The Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University. It introduces advanced corporate case studies, looks at sustainability trends, changes in capital markets, management approaches of companies in the “sustainability era,” and the roles of industry and academia. For companies interested in actively engaging in sustainable management, this publication offers valuable adoption and implementation insights

  • Corporate Finance: Cases of Japanese Corporations (Authored by Isagawa, Kawakita, and Sugiura; published by Nihon Keizai Publishing Company)
  • Corporate Finance and Strategy (Authored by Isagawa, Kawakita, Sugiura and Satou; published by Nihon Keizai Publishing Company)

Corporate Finance of Japanese Companies, written jointly by Sunagawa, Kitagawa, and Sugiura, published by Nikkei Shimbun Publications Co., Ltd.

Corporate Finance and Strategy, written jointly by Sunagawa, Kitagawa, and Sugiura, published by Nikkei Shimbun Publications Co., Ltd.

These publications are the culmination of our joint research conducted at the Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University. They provide readers with actual case studies of corporate finance decision making at Japanese companies. These real-life examples make corporate finance more tangible and engaging for students and young business professionals studying such subjects for the first time.

  • M&A for MBAs (Authored by Toshio Tamura; published by Yuhikaku)


This publication is the transcription of the endowed course on “M&A: Theory and Practice,” and features content from the MBA Program of the Graduate School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University. This book systematically bridges M&A theory and practice and enables readers to understand why M&A is called the all-embracing art of corporate finance.

  • Perspectives on Financial and Capital Markets (Authored and supervised by Kazuhito Ikeo and Hiroto Koda; published by Nihon Keizai Publishing Company)


This book was published as a byproduct of "Corporate Finance Theory," the endowed undergraduate course at Keio University. It offers a unique and condensed overview of theory and practice. The first half (Chapters 1–3) provides macroeconomic perspectives from academia, and the latter half (Chapters 4–7) offers practical perspectives from businesses, reflecting each author’s area of expertise.


This is an on-line glossary of financial terms created in cooperation with the Graduate School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University. It provides definitions and meanings of various technical finance terms and supports the self-study efforts of those interested in learning more about finance.

Sponsorship and Support for Symposiums

The network supporting our endowment program, has also enabled Mizuho Securities to jointly sponsor and support university symposiums. Such endeavors contribute to the formulation of solutions to address various socioeconomic issues. Collaboration between academia and industry enables us to adopt timely agendas for these symposiums, and discuss issues from broader perspectives, leading to solutions based on a deeper understanding of key issues.


panel discussion


Symposiums Jointly Sponsored and Supported (from FY17 onward)

Graduate School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University

Agenda Event date
Central Banking & Monetary Policy: The Global Economy & Japan May 2017
Economic Revitalization Toward Post Covid-19: Promoting the Functioning of Firm Entry and Exit and Japan's Growth Strategy February 2023

Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University

Agenda Event date
Digital Society and Hospitality February 2019
Responses to Changes in Economic and Social Structure in Transition to Digital Society in the 2020s February 2020
Financial Literacy towards A Better Future February 2021
Global Trends towards Zero-carbon Society And ‘Green Growth Strategy’ August 2021
Kyoto University 360° Perspectives on Human Capital~Toward the Sustainable Enhancement of the Value of Japan and Japanese Companies August 2022
Kyoto University 360° Perspectives on Globalization and Economic Security~ Social Issues in Japan Concerning Economic Security December 2022
Financial Literacy towards A Better Future 2023 -The Society and Financial Literacy- June 2023
Financial Literacy towards A Better Future 2023 - Women and Financial Literacy - July 2023
Financial Literacy towards A Better Future 2024 -The first year of the new NISA and the launch of the "Japan Financial Literacy and Education Corporation" Expanding financial literacy- June 2024

Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo

Agenda Event date
Future Prospects for the Financial and Legal System September 2018
University of Tokyo/Kyoto University ESG Series Seminar "New Trends in ESG Investment - ESG Theory, Practice and Disclosure (Kyoto University)" March 2023
University of Tokyo/Kyoto University ESG Series Seminar "New Trends in ESG Investment - ESG Theory and Practice, Social Issues Solving and Fiduciary Duty (University of Tokyo)" April 2023
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