Building a talent portfolio to implement growth strategy

Mizuho has published the "Human Capital Report" to comprehensively explain how we will create value together with our customers, the economy and society through "Enhancing Human Capital" and "Transforming Corporate Culture". For details on our various human capital initiatives.
Further information
Human Capital Report (PDF/11,948KB)

Working to secure personnel that will lead in each of our business areas

Working to secure personnel that will lead in each of our business areas

Mizuho’s medium-term business plan defines priority areas within our overall business portfolio and formulates growth strategies for each of these business areas. It is essential for us to secure personnel that can support each business area so that we can better implement our growth strategies. We established KPIs in fiscal 2023 to measure the implementation and effectiveness of our initiatives in this regard. We have also begun to define personnel requirements for the entire business portfolio as a way to improve the alignment of our business strategy and HR strategy.

Note: For details on strategies for each business area, see the Integrated Report.
Progress of medium-term business plan

Retail business in Japan

In our retail business in Japan, where we are focused on improving customer experience and supporting the doubling of asset-based income, we will review our digital, remote, and in-person approaches, move forward full digitalization of office procedures, and transform branches from places for administration into places for consultation. In light of the increasing importance of personnel who have knowledge and experience in face-to-face consulting and who are capable of supporting asset management, formation, and succession in a customer-oriented manner, we are putting emphasis on personnel development and have set a KPI for number of employees with personal consulting qualifications.

Corporate business in Japan


The corporate business, where we are aiming to enhance the competitiveness of Japanese companies, calls for the insight to delve deeper into industry trends and client needs and the creativity to design growth narratives with corporate clients. We are focusing in particular on the area of business succession, which requires specialized knowledge and practical experience. We have set a KPI for the number of in-house certified personnel who can support business succession and are strategically assigning personnel to this area. Similarly, in the area of support for startups/innovative companies, we have set a KPI for the number of in-house certified personnel in order to systematically develop personnel with experience in providing support in leading-edge technology fields and expertise in responding to the needs of companies at different stages of growth.

Sustainability-related business


In the area of sustainability and innovation, to respond to the various sustainability challenges our large corporate and other clients are facing, we will further increase the number of environmental / energy sector consultants at Mizuho Research & Technologies. On the other hand, advancing sustainability in the wider community requires action not only by large companies but also by the small and medium-sized enterprises that make up the supply chain. Because of this, we have set a KPI for number of sustainability management experts as well and are working to ensure employees obtain the basic knowledge necessary to conduct sustainability transformation discussions with a wide range of corporate clients as they acquire relevant qualifications.

Global business


We are evolving the global Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB) business model in the US and EMEA and expanding our transaction banking and capital markets business in Asia. In order to strengthen our business in each of these markets, we need to secure local personnel who are familiar with the market, to which end we maintain a high ratio of local personnel in management positions at our offices outside Japan.
At the same time, we must secure a sustainable pool of personnel from Japan who have international experience and can work together with local personnel. In training early career employees, we will increase the number of new international assignments, extend the assignment period from one to two years, and change the format to one year in banking and one year in internal management. This will offer such employees opportunities to gain practical experience in both front office and governance roles, allowing us to build a sustainable portfolio of talent with international experience.

Digital transformation


At the group level, digital transformation is a priority area of our medium-term business plan, and in Japan we are in need of personnel who have advanced expertise in digital transformation and technologies and can facilitate business transformation for our clients and Mizuho. As part of securing such digital transformation personnel, we have set a KPI for the number of these employees and are developing our personnel, mainly at Mizuho Research & Technologies and Mizuho–DL Financial Technology. In tandem, to expand the base of employees with knowledge on digital transformation and technologies, we have also set a KPI for the number of digital transformation basics personnel, and we are working to raise the general level of knowledge through our digital transformation employee development program. (For details, see p. 21,“Enhancement of our group-wide digital transformation foundations”)

Second and third lines of defense to support business


One of the priority areas of the medium-term business plan is maintaining stable business operations, which support our growth strategies and corporate foundations, and by extension all that Mizuho represents. With Mizuho being called on to implement deeper and more sophisticated governance, securing expert personnel in the areas of risk and compliance management and internal audit—the second and third lines of defense—is becoming increasingly important, and we have set the enhancement of these areas as a new KPI.

Further information

Human Capital Report: List of data (Human capital supporting growth strategies)(PDF/11,948KB)

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