Our Approach

Basic Concept

After deliberation at the Executive Management Committee and the Board of Directors, Mizuho Financial Group (our holding company) established a Basic Policy on Sustainability Initiatives to define our basic approach and methods for advancing sustainability initiatives. Our group companies have adopted the same policy.

The policy sets forth our definition of sustainability and our basic approach for sustainability initiatives as below. 

Sustainability for Mizuho

Mizuho's sustainable and steady growth, environmental conservation and the sustainable development and prosperity of the economy, industry, and society both in Japan and around the world.

Basic Approach

By addressing materiality areas from a long–term perspective, we will seek to create value for various stakeholders and work to improve our own corporate value through the sustainable and steady growth of the company. This in turn will contribute to environmental conservation and the sustainable development and prosperity of the economy, industry, and society both in Japan and around the world.

We will implement sustainability initiatives based on the following approaches.

  • In regards to the economy, industry, society, and environment, Mizuho will endeavor to increase our positive impacts and decrease our negative impacts, both direct and indirect.
  • Mizuho, as a financial group, will especially focus on indirect impacts we generate through provision of financial and other services and through engagement with clients. We will provide our clients with multi–faceted support for initiatives addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns.
  • In the event of a conflict of interest or differences of opinions among stakeholders in regards to impacts and the timeframe for implementation, we will make a comprehensive decision by taking into account the circumstances or situation as well as international frameworks, agreements, or consensus and employing a long–term perspective.


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