Yellow Safety Badges

Delivering Yellow Badges to First Graders across Japan

With the aim of ensuring children stay safe on their way to school every day, we present yellow badges linked to traffic accident insurance to first graders across Japan.

This project began in 1965, motivated by a letter that appeared in a newspaper. The letter, which was written by a mother whose child was killed in a traffic accident, was addressed to the Prime Minister at that time and called for the prevention of traffic accidents.

This project, which entered its 60th year in 2024, has distributed over 70 million badges, and we now hear stories of them being worn by three generations of families (in cooperation with Sompo Japan Insurance Inc., Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company, and The Dai–ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited).


The history of the yellow badges

1965 The Yellow Badges Project began from a letter written by a mother whose child was killed in a traffic accident.
1968 Linked traffic accident insurance coverage to badges.
Photo: An arm band
An arm band

Design changed from an arm band to a badge.

Jan, 2010

Through the Yellow Badges Project, Mizuho and other collaborating companies were presented with a letter of appreciation by the Japan Traffic Safety Association for our long-running contribution to the promotion of traffic safety and prevention of traffic accidents among new first graders.

Photo: The Award Ceremony
The award ceremony


The Yellow Badges Project celebrated its 50th anniversary

Jan, 2023

In the 59th year of the campaign, Mizuho and the other collaborating companies were presented with a letter of appreciation by the Japan Traffic Safety Association for the second time for our long-running contribution to the promotion of traffic safety and prevention of traffic accidents among new first graders through the Yellow Badges Project.


The Yellow Badges Project celebrated its 60th anniversary.

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Presentation ceremony

Mizuho and the other involved companies hold presentation ceremonies all over Japan.
After the presentation ceremony in Tokyo, a traffic safety class is conducted with the cooperation of the Metropolitan Police Department.
Representatives of new first-grade students learn how to cross pedestrian crossings and more.

Photo: Tokyo presentation ceremony
Tokyo presentation ceremony
Photo: Tokyo presentation ceremony
Tokyo presentation ceremony
Photo: Traffic safety classroom
Traffic safety classroom
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