LCR and NSFR Information


Information related to the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) are listed in this section.

Financials and Presentations


Third Quarter

  Mizuho Financial Group Mizuho Bank Mizuho Trust & Banking
Key metrics (PDF/28KB) Consolidated (PDF/28KB)
Non–consolidated (PDF/28KB)
Consolidated (PDF/28KB)
Non–consolidated (PDF/28KB)
Disclosure of Quantitative Information about the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (PDF/49KB) Consolidated (PDF/36KB)
Non–consolidated (PDF/49KB)
Consolidated (PDF/19KB)
Non–consolidated (PDF/22KB)
Disclosure of Quantitative Information about the Net Stable Funding Ratio (PDF/70KB) Consolidated (PDF/70KB)
Non–consolidated (PDF/70KB)
Consolidated (PDF/70KB)
Non–consolidated (PDF/69KB)

Second Quarter

First Quarter


  Mizuho Financial Group / Mizuho Bank / Mizuho Trust & Banking
FY2023 Fourth Quarter
Third Quarter
Second Quarter
First Quarter
FY2022 Fourth Quarter
Third Quarter
Second Quarter
First Quarter
FY2021 Fourth Quarter
Third Quarter
Second Quarter
First Quarter
FY2020 Fourth Quarter
Third Quarter
Second Quarter
First Quarter
FY2019 Fourth Quarter
Third Quarter
Second Quarter
First Quarter
FY2018 Fourth Quarter
Third Quarter
Second Quarter
First Quarter
FY2017 Fourth Quarter
Third Quarter
Second Quarter
First Quarter
FY2016 Fourth Quarter
Third Quarter
Second Quarter
First Quarter
FY2015 Fourth Quarter
Third Quarter
Second Quarter
First Quarter

Related Information

Integrated Report (Annual Review)

Includes Status of Sound Management of Liquidity Risk

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