Non-financial Data

Environment and climate change related

Sustainable finance Environment and climate-related finance (JPY trillion)

Scope 1 and 2 (GHG emissions across the seven group companies1) (ktCO2e)

In relation to Scope 2, progress was made on switching to renewable energy in FY2022.

  1. Mizuho Financial Group, Mizuho Bank, Mizuho Trust & Banking, Mizuho Securities, Mizuho Research & Technologies2, Asset Management One, and Mizuho Americas (data up to FY2021 are for eight group companies including the former Mizuho Private Wealth Management3).
  2. Data up to FY2020 combines figures for the former Mizuho Information & Research Institute and former Mizuho Research Institute.
  3. Company liquidated on March 23, 2022; functions taken over by Mizuho Bank.


Scope 3 (GHG emissions from financing and investment)

Medium-term targets were set for the following three sectors in FY2022 toward achieving net zero GHG emissions (Scope 3) in 2050.

Sector Target FY2021 result
Electric power FY2030
138-232 kgCO2e/MWh
Oil and gas Scope 1 and 2
FY2030 4.2gCO2e/MJ
Scope 3
-12 to -29% (compared to FY2019)
Thermal coal mining FY2030 OECD countries: Zero balance
FY2040 Non-OECD countries: Zero balance

Outstanding credit balance for coal-fired power plants based on our Environmental and Social Management Policy for Financing and Investment Activity

Target  FY2022 result
FY2030: Reduce the FY2019 amount by 50%
FY2040: Zero
21.4% reduction
(JPY235.5 billion)

Exposure to high-risk areas in transition risk sectors

Target  FY2022 result
Reduce over the medium to long term JPY1.6 trillion


Human capital related

Engagement score1

Target  FY2022 result
FY2025 65% 51%

Inclusion score1

Target  FY2022 result
FY2025 65% 55%

Percentage of management positions outside Japan filled by employees hired outside Japan2

Level to be achieved continuously FY2022 result
83% 84%

Percentage of management positions filled by women3

Human capital management

  1. Based on the positive response rate (selection of 4 or 5 on a scale from 1 to 5) for four Staff Survey questions related to engagement and inclusion.
  2. Total of Mizuho Bank, Mizuho Trust & Banking, and Mizuho Securities
  3. Japan (Total of Mizuho Financial Group, Mizuho Bank, Mizuho Trust & Banking, Mizuho Securities, and Mizuho Research & Technologies)
  4. In FY2023, we revised the standards for calculation to align with the medium-term business plan. FY2021 and 2022 result reflect the new standards.
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