We are delighted to announce that Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (President & Group CEO: Masahiro Kihara) and four other Mizuho group companies1 were today awarded Best Workplace, the highest honor of the D&I Awards 2022. This is the second year running for us to receive this recognition under JobRainbow’s corporate Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) evaluation system.
The D&I Awards are Japan’s biggest awards for companies undertaking D&I initiatives. Companies are recognized on their overall diversity score, calculated from their performance across five areas: (1) gender gap, (2) LGBT+ rights, (3) disabilities, (4) multicultural diversity, and (5) childcare and nursing care. All five Mizuho group companies’ D&I initiatives were evaluated highly, giving us a score of 97 out of 100 and resulting in Mizuho receiving the Best Workplace award.
In June 2022, we released Mizuho’s Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion, a statement of the commitment shared by our group worldwide. It promotes D&I from both top-down and bottom-up perspectives, based on three specific individual commitments: to celebrate diversity, to promote work-life satisfaction, and to create an inclusive culture.
We will continue to listen to our employees, who come from a variety of different backgrounds, and create an environment that maximizes the diverse perspectives, ideas, and abilities of each and every employee, while also striving to sustainably enhance our corporate value.
1: Mizuho Bank, Ltd.; Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.; Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.; and Mizuho Research & Technologies, Ltd.