July 26, 2024
Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

Publication of Human Rights Report 2024

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (President & Group CEO: Masahiro Kihara) has published its Human Rights Report 2024, describing its initiatives for respecting human rights.

Link to the Human Rights Report 2024
https://www.mizuhogroup.com/binaries/content/assets/pdf/mizuhoglobal/sustainability/human-rights/solution/human_rights_report_2024.pdf (PDF/3,234KB)

In 2022, Mizuho became the first financial institution in Japan to publish a human rights report. Mizuho's Human Rights Report 2024, as Mizuho's third report on human rights, gives a comprehensive overview of its initiatives related to respect for human rights, including the status of enhanced due diligence on clients and the operation of a grievance mechanism to provide remedy to affected people.

Highlights of the report and main areas of progress (see attachment for details)

  • Human rights due diligence (HRDD)
    - Expanded the scope of HRDD under the Environmental and Social Management Policy for Financing and Investment Activity to include various human rights issues
    - Developed a policy for higher risk sectors such as mining and fisheries/aquaculture
    - Conducted enhanced due diligence (EDD) in cases where human rights issues were detected
    - Implemented a process to determine the priority of EDD in order to proactively address salient incidents
  • Grievance mechanism
    - Established a grievance mechanism through professional, neutral, and fair dialogue by using the platform operated by the Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights

Mizuho will continue contributing to the world's prosperity together with its clients and society through its initiatives for respecting human rights.

(Appendix) Main areas of progress in promoting respect for human rights (PDF/94KB)

mizuho Innovating today. Transforming tomorrow.
PDF for print (PDF/194KB)

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