Green Bond

Green bonds are bonds in which the proceeds are used solely for the purpose of providing finance for environment–friendly projects (hereinafter "Green Projects") such as renewable energy and energy-saving business, etc. Mizuho Financial Group (hereinafter "MHFG") issues green bond to promote green finance.

Green Bond Framework

Mizuho's green bond is issued and managed based on its formulated green bond framework (hereinafter "Framework"), which is in line with the Green Bond Principles 2021 published by the International Capital Market Association. We have obtained an independent Second-Party Opinion with respect to this Framework.

Issuer Framework Opinion from External Evaluation Institution
MHFG Green Bond Framework (PDF/921KB) Second-Party Opinion from Sustainalytics (PDF/608KB)

Issue Record


The exchange rate as of the end of March, 2024
** Criteria of Eligible Green Project is different by each Framework.

Issue Date Issue Amount Maturity date Opinion from External Evaluation Institution Allocation of Net Proceeds, Assurance Report from External Institution Environmental Impact
October 16, 2017 EUR 500 million October 16, 2024 Second–Party Opinion from Sustainalytics (PDF/679KB) Independent practitioner's assurance report (as of March 2024) (PDF/1,237KB) Environmental Impact (as of March 2024) (PDF/144KB)
Issue Amount Maturity date Opinion from External Evaluation Institution Allocation
of Net
Environmental Impact Review from External Evaluation Institution
October 7, 2020 EUR 500 million October 7, 2025 Second–Party Opinion from Sustainalytics (PDF/851KB) Management Assertion, Use of Proceeds Statement
(as of March 2024) (PDF/1,329KB)
Environmental Impact (as of March 2024) (PDF/183KB) Annual Review (PDF/187KB)
February 22, 2022 USD
500 million
May 22, 2030 (The Issuer may redeem this green bond on May 22, 2029) Second–Party Opinion from Sustainalytics (PDF/851KB) Management Assertion, Use of Proceeds Statement
(as of March 2024) (PDF/1,330KB)
Environmental Impact (as of March 2024) (PDF/185KB) Annual Review (PDF/185KB)
September 5, 2022 EUR
800 million
September 5, 2027 Second–Party Opinion from Sustainalytics (PDF/851KB) Management Assertion, Use of Proceeds Statement
(as of March 2024) (PDF/1,340KB)
Environmental Impact (as of March 2024) (PDF/167KB) Annual Review (PDF/185KB)
July 6, 2023 USD
1,400 million
July 6, 2029 (The Issuer may redeem this green bond on July 6, 2028) Second-Party Opinion from Sustainalytics (PDF/608KB) Management Assertion, Use of Proceeds Statement (as of March 2024) (PDF/1,599KB) Environmental Impact (as of March 2024) (PDF/151KB) Annual Review (PDF/194KB)
August 28, 2023 EUR
750 million
August 28, 2030 Second-Party Opinion from Sustainalytics (PDF/608KB) Management Assertion, Use of Proceeds Statement (as of March 2024) (PDF/1,598KB) Environmental Impact (as of March 2024) (PDF/145KB) Annual Review (PDF/189KB)
August 27, 2024 EUR
500 million
August 27, 2030 (The Issuer may redeem this green bond on August 27, 2029) Second-Party Opinion from Sustainalytics (PDF/608KB)



All information contained in this website prepared by MHFG has been prepared for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any security or other financial instrument. Investing in securities involves risks, and, when you invest in securities, there is always the potential of losing all or a portion of your invested money. Prior to your making investment decisions based on the information contained in this website, please carefully consider the details of the relevant green bond, and confirm that such investment is in line with your financial situation and purposes. At the same time, please consult your expert advisors as necessary.
These materials may contain forward–looking statements, and there can be no guarantee that these statements will be realized.

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