Organizational Framework

For important sustainability–related matters, our system consists of discussions at the business execution line, e.g., the Sustainability Promotion Committee and Executive Management Committee, and supervision by the Board of Directors and Risk Committee. Constructive discussions are held with outside directors who have experience and expertise in sustainability, as well as with external experts in attendance at Risk Committee and Sustainability Promotion Committee meetings. The resulting feedback is used in establishing policy and promoting our initiatives.

In fiscal 2021, we aimed to strengthen our framework by establishing the Sustainability Promotion Committee, and by forming and expanding specialist departments for promoting sustainable business. Moreover, based on thorough discussions by our business execution and supervisory lines and with attention to both opportunity and risk, we strengthened initiatives related to climate change responses, respect for human rights, environmentally and socially responsible financing and investment activity, and sustainable business.

In addition, in September 2022, we established the new position of Group Chief Sustainability Officer (Group CSuO) to promote sustainability initiatives throughout the Mizuho group. The Group CSuO will not be affiliated with any specific in–house company, unit, or group, but rather report directly to the Group CEO, and will plan and promote sustainability initiatives for the entire Mizuho group. Further, under the Group Chief Risk Officer (Group CRO), we strengthen our system for conducting centralized sustainability-related risk management.


Board of Directors: Approves the basic matters relating to sustainability in the Mizuho group

President & Group CEO: Oversees sustainability initiatives.

Risk Management Committee:Deliberates on and coordinates and reports on risk management

Sustainability Promotion Committee: Deliberates on and coordinates sustainability matters

Group CSuO: In charge of planning and promotion of sustainability initiatives. As necessary reports to the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee, the Executive Management Committee, and the President & CEO on the status of sustainability initiatives, and related matters.

Group CRO: planning and operation of risk management

Sustainable Business Promotion Department: Focuses on sustainable business planning

Sustainability Planning Department: Focuses on policy establishment for entire Mizuho group

Risk Management Department  Sustainability Risk Management Office:Manages sustainability risk

Overview of the Sustainability Promotion Committee (business execution line) (established in Jan 2022)

Reason for establishment
  • Discuss and coordinate sustainability–related matters based on external experts’ advice towards further promoting sustainability across the group
Composition Chairman
  • President & Group CEO
  • Group CSO, Group CRO, Group CFO, Group CSuO, other executive officers (including those from Mizuho group companies), depending on content
External experts
  • External experts are invited in line with the topics of discussion

–Meeting no. 1: Masako Konishi (Expert Director (Conservation and Energy), WWF Japan)

–Meeting no. 4: Ashleigh Owens (Deputy Director for Financial Institutions, Shift)


Meetings (topics discussed)

FY2021 (2 meetings in total)

Meeting no. 1
  • Mizuho's Approach to Achieving Net Zero by 2050
  • Approach to setting targets for greenhouse gas emissions from our finance portfolio (Scope 3 targets)
  • Setting of electric power sector targets and work towards achieving those targets
Meeting no. 2
  • Climate–related risk management system
  • Environmental and Social Management Policy for Financing and Investment Activity
  • Risk control policy for carbon–related sectors


FY2022 (7 meetings in total)

Meeting no. 3
  • Enhancing climate change response promotion structure
  • Publication of TCFD Report 2022
Meeting no. 4
  • Evaluations and issues concerning initiatives for respecting human rights
  • Publication of Human Rights Report 2022
Meeting no. 5
  • Approach to transition support for carbon-related sectors
Meeting no. 6
  • Growth strategy (sustainability)
Meeting no. 7
  • Setting and advancement of Scope 3 targets
Meeting no. 8
  • Enhancement of climate action
Meeting no. 9
  • Climate risk management
  • the sustainable finance target


FY2023 (9 meetings in total)

Meeting no. 10
  • Publication of TCFD Report 2023
  • Advanced risk management with scenario analysis
  • Disclosure of sustainability items in security report
Meeting no. 11
  • Grand design of domestic electricity sector
Meeting no. 12
  • Advanced transition risk management
  • Publication of Human Rights Report 2023
Meeting no. 13
  • Target setting for financed GHG emissions (Scope 3)
  • Sustainable business strategy
Meeting no. 14
  • Initiatives related to natural capital
Meeting no. 15
  • Enhancement of climate action
Meeting no. 16
  • Initiatives for sustainable risk management
Meeting no. 17
  • Compliance with sustainability information disclosure regulation
  • Impact business
Meeting no. 18
  • Identification of impact pathways in human capital management and review of human capital KPIs
  • Action for ESG assessment

Sustainability Promotion Measures

Mizuho is taking steps to promote understanding of and popularize sustainability group–wide by offering training programs, award programs, in–house communication tools, study sessions, lectures, and other learning opportunities across group companies and divisions.

Sustainability training sessions for all employees

Date Themes Participants
  • External Environment
  • Mizuho's Initiatives
  • Sustainability Action
All Mizuho employees in and outside Japan
  • External Environment
  • Mizuho's Initiatives
  • Changes in the external environment about climate change and human rights
  • Mizuho's strengthening of sustainability initiatives

Study sessions and lectures about individual themes related to sustainability

Date Themes Participating employees
FY2023 Mizuho Diversity & Inclusion Month (M-DIM)
  • Parents and Kids — Let’s Think about the Wonder of Living Creatures (Biodiversity)
Approx. 300 in Japan
Executive dialogue
  • Dialogue with Kihara Group CEO and Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever and a leading expert on sustainability management
Approx. 480, both in and outside Japan

Mizuho Diversity & Inclusion Month (M-DIM)

  • Extreme weather events and biodiversity: What's happening? What can we do?
Approx. 250 in Japan

Mizuho Diversity & Inclusion Month (M-DIM)

  • Making sustainability a core part of Mizuho's brand
  • To be a social intorepreneur
Approx. 570 in Japan
Our approach to tax matters and Mizuho group's tax operation management Approx. 26,000, both in and outside Japan
ESG and Sustainable Financing Approx. 300 outside Japan

Please click here for more information about trainings and awareness for strengthening support for sustainable businesses.

Strengthening support for sustainable businesses

Please click here for more information about trainings and awareness for human rights education.

Human Rights Awareness Promotion and Activities


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