Revision of Dividend Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2006

May 22, 2006

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (MHFG) hereby announces that its Board of Directors has resolved today to revise annual (term-end) dividends per common share for the fiscal year ending March 2006 as mentioned below, and to propose this revision at the fourth annual general meeting of our shareholders scheduled on June 27,2006.

  Previous Forecast Revised Forecast (Reference)
Dividends for the fiscal year ending March 2005
Annual (term-end) dividends per common share 3,500 yen 4,000 yen 3,500 yen

This notice has been prepared in order to announce certain information concerning MHFG's revision of dividend forecast for the fiscal year ending March 2006 and does not constitute an offer for sale or a solicitation for investment or other similar activity in and outside of Japan.


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