Mizuho Financial Group was featured in "Carbon Performance Leadership Index" in CDP 2012 Global 500

September 13, 2012

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (President and CEO: Yasuhiro Sato) was listed in CDP's*1 Carbon Performance Leadership Index (CPLI*2) based on a survey on companies' climate change strategy and emission reduction, for the actions it is taking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions etc. Mizuho Financial Group is the first Japanese financial institution to be listed in CPLI.

*1 CDP

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an international, not–for–profit organization providing the only global system for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information. CDP works in partnership with 655 institutional investors with assets of USD 78 trillion, to collect information from companies on their greenhouse gas emissions and assessment of climate change risk and opportunity.

*2 Carbon Performance Leadership Index (CPLI)

The CPLI highlights those companies within the global big 500 companies that have demonstrated a strong approach to climate strategy and emissions reduction in their CDP responses. Thirty–three companies are represented CPLI in 2012.

Mizuho will continue to reduce the environmental burden it generates through its own business activities as a unified group, and to reduce the environmental impact of society as a whole through the financial products and services it offers as part of its core business.

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