Regarding the Establishment of the Corporate Governance Guidelines

May 14, 2014

As announced in the "Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation" on this date, Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (the "Company") is scheduled to transform into a Company with Committees subject to approval at the ordinary general meeting of shareholders scheduled to be held on June 24, 2014. The Company hereby announces that it has established its "Corporate Governance Guidelines" (scheduled to be implemented on June 24, 2014; the "Guidelines") as set out in the attachment (PDF/121KB).

The Guidelines set out the framework of the corporate governance system and the roles, composition, and governing policies regarding the Board of Directors, executive officers, Nominating Committee, Compensation Committee, and Audit Committee for a Company with Committees in accordance with the fundamental perspectives regarding corporate governance in Mizuho.

The Guidelines will be shared among directors, corporate auditors, executive officers, managing directors and employees of Mizuho and constitute a commitment to all stakeholders of Mizuho, and the Company will ensure that self–discipline and accountability of management is fully functioning and further strengthen corporate governance under a corporate governance system with the Board of Directors at its core.


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